Lot154RP & Lot259RP IN DD129 Yuen Long
If they cannot be sold together, they can be auctioned separately in two groups.
1. Lot 154RP : Site Area :3511 sq.ft. Starting price 3.511M
2. Lot 259RP : Site Area 4800 sq.ft Starting price 4.8M



Open Day


Gross Floor Area
(about) (sq.ft.)

Site Area
Approx. 8311
(for reference only)

Opening Price(M)



Important Notice:Interested bidders shall appoint his / her solicitors to inspect the muniments of title of the Property. Intending bidders who choose not to inspect the title deeds or not ot verify the titles to the Property are at their own risk. Purchasers shall not make any requisition or objection in respect thereof and shall complete the transaction and comply with all the terms in such Conditions of Sale. Muniments of title of the Property could be inspected prior to the sale during business hours at the office of the Vendor's Solicitors. Intending bidders shall conduct physical inspection of the Property before the auction. The Vendor gives no warranty as to whether there exists any illegal structure / alteration in the Property. The Vendor would not give any warranty that the structures of the Property are in compliance with the ordinance(s). The purchaser shall not raise any requisition regarding illegal structure / alteration nor refuse to complete the purchase or similar grounds. Order for auction auction may change, please arrive on time.

Location Map
